Sagola TownshipPO Box 195Channing, MI 49815906-542-3824
All Sagola Twp. residents will be voting at the township hall in Sagola, including Randville residents.Absent voter application requests can be emailed to, or mailed to Sagola Twp. Clerk, PO Box 195, Channing, MI 49815 or apply online for an absentee ballot at When applying for an absentee ballot, a box can be checked on the application form to receive a ballot for each future election for which you are eligible.An absentee ballot drop box is located at the Sagola Community Building.
Sagola TownshipPO Box 195Channing, MI 49815906-542-3824
All Sagola Twp. residents will be voting at the township hall in Sagola, including Randville residents.Absent voter application requests can be emailed to, or mailed to Sagola Twp. Clerk, PO Box 195, Channing, MI 49815 or apply online for an absentee ballot at When applying for an absentee ballot, a box can be checked on the application form to receive a ballot for each future election for which you are eligible.An absentee ballot drop box is located at the Sagola Community Building.